
a few good things

yes. but not like martha stewart. heh heh

some knitting projects i've been working on lately and finished up.

these are the mittens for tay that the yarn finally came in after FOREVER to finish up the last bit of the second one. i lerv this wool brand. its lamb's pride bulky. and its fabulous.

Green Wool Mittens

and this is the set made from the wool. i had enough left over to make him a 'scarflet' pretty nifty if i do say so myself

Green Wool Mittens and Scarflet

Green Wool Mittens and Scarflet

Green Wool Mittens and Scarflet

i was gonna put up a pic of the hat i made. but its just not good enough. i'll have to get another one.

so next is the project im working on thats not quite done but i shall show it to ya

they're called gnomittens or smokers gloves. they're awesome

Peat Smokers Gloves

Peat Smokers Gloves

Peat Smokers Gloves

Peat Smokers Gloves

so there ya go. thats whats goin on with me here.

oh, and im getting married tomorrow :D

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Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow.

cristymuranda said...

Thanks Nat!

i'll let you know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Love the mittens! I just love winter clothing.

And seriously? Getting married?

cristymuranda said...

thanks! i love making mittens. and i love winter too except when i have to walk in it for a long time.
and yes, married! im gonna puke!

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting married!

Sara Lynn Paige said...

OH THESE MITTENS ARE SO ADORABLE. My knitting sticks to scarves and iPod cases, but I'd like to try to knit myself some gloves for next year. I love the fingerless/mitten style combo. =D

cristymuranda said...

mittens really arent that challenging. i have the pattern on my mac here for the mittens and this is the link for the fingerless ones. they're called GNOMITTENS :D
