
Self Portrait - Self Timer Challenge

my entry for the self portrait challenge on Shutter sisters for the month of February

and some other ones i took in the set as well

taken by placing my camera on the floor and setting the self timer to capture me dancing around in my silk indian sari wrap dress.

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Maggie Ann. said...

these are so beautiful. you can totally feel the yummy energy flowing!

cristymuranda said...

haha thanks! it was a lot of fun to do.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I haven't even begun to think about participating in the little contests they have over at shuttersisters yet. I want to. It's just that all that laziness and being lazy is taking up tons of my time.

cristymuranda said...

no i totally know what you mean, and here i was all eager beaver and now i've nearly killed myself..lol theres only so many pictures i can take of my bob dillan and david bowie posters hanging over my bed..*being bed ridden and all*