
Unknown Author

have finally beat the mister over the head to get this laptop for a few minutes. (he's been doing a lot of writing and research and whatnot.)

anyways. am very nearly done the second sock for the pair of socks. so HAH. i am super project finisher lady.

i've been watching a lot of silent films lately. three this morning so far. i love the old hair and makeup of those days.

but moving on.

i don 't have much to say. but i've had this old song stuck in my head for nearly a week and looked it up to find out that i couldnt find out who wrote it.

I see the moon
The moon sees me
The moon sees the one
I long to see

So, God bless the moon
And God Bless me
And God bless the one
That I long to see

Seems to me
That God above
Created you
For me to love

He picked you out
From all the rest
Because He knew
I loved you best.

So, God bless the moon
And God Bless me
And God bless the one
That I long to see

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david santos said...

I love it!
Have a nice day.

cristymuranda said...

thank you!