

"you arent going to sit with me?"
"afraid not my love"
"but why??"
"there wasn't room at the time"
"you don't love me.."
"i totally love you, be quiet"

*he then proceeds to indeed come over and sit with me and we watch the news in bed eating our dinner*

{this life is good moment brought to you by.. ME the cristy :D}

thee end.

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Sara Lynn Paige said...

Haha, my Jei is the same way. =)

cristymuranda said...

aHA it is a conspiracy then!

chickbug said...

congratulations on being married! (and thanks for visiting chickbug....can't wait to read more of your blog)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree; my husband is the same way. This was cute. :]

cristymuranda said...

thanks thanks ladies